Mission Statement to Our Clients
Since 1996 we have taken pride in providing excellent customer service to all our clients and will continue to provide the best service to meet our clients’ needs.
Our goal is to run a profitable business through goal setting, planning, and hiring only well qualified personnel. We will always provide top quality service to the public and a total commitment to our clients’ goals when performing our services. Our commitment is to be totally honest and forth coming in advising clients with regard to the inspection of their property. The only way they can achieve their goals, and ours, is by being honest and truthful with them. As a company we will maintain a positive attitude and always strive to meet our clients’ goals.
We realize our creativity, and the way we run our business is far advanced from that of our competition. C.M. Burrows Inc. is willing to do things that the company will not do to help our clients reach their goals. We use our time each and every day to the fullest potential.
C.M. Burrows Inc. always strives for excellence in our services and career through commitment, education, product knowledge, and our willingness to share with others so we can better serve our clients’ needs. Truly we believe our services are superior in this business, and we are committed to proving that day after day so each and every one of our clients can, and will, repeat that to their friends and relatives. We share this mission statement with you because we have a strong commitment and belief in our chosen occupation.
Christopher M. Burrows
President C.M. Burrows Inc.